MaryGrace McNally
Mary Grace is a Brooklyn, NY based dance artist, originally from Massachusetts. She produced, directed and choreographed her first evening length work, Not For Picking, which premiered at Theaterlab (NYC) in June 2018. After presenting an excerpt of this work, Mary Grace was awarded the 2018 Capezio A.C.E. Award. She was also announced as ADA's National Choreographer of the Year in 2016. Her work has been presented at The Dance Gallery Festival, WiseFruit NYC, Dixon Place, Young Choreographer’s Festival, NewSteps Series, REVERBdance Festival, Salvatore Capezio Center, Centre National de la Danse in France, and deSingel in Belgium. She has studied with artists such as Medhi Walerski, Jesse Zaritt, Adi Salant, Jermaine Spivey, Spenser Theberge, Tilman O’Donnell, and has performed the works of Doug Varone, Netta Yerushalmy, Tommie-Waheed Evans, Katie Swords-Thurman, Emma Portner and Erica Sobol. Mary Grace received her BFA in Dance from the University of the Arts in 2015.